Sell your Diamonds
Selling your diamond jewelry can be a daunting task. Not that the actual physical ability to sell or transaction is difficult, but perhaps emotionally. Questions like: “How do I know what my diamond earrings are worth”. Or “Where can I take it to maximize the value of my diamonds”. There may be sentimental attachment to the diamonds (or even disdain in some cases). The reason individuals sell their diamonds varies greatly and we are here to help you through this process painlessly, transparently, and quickly.
You can set up an appointment to come in at your convenience or even just drop by during our normal operating hours. We always have someone on staff that is skilled to evaluate your diamonds. It doesn’t matter if they are diamond earrings, diamond bracelets, or an old diamond engagement ring from a past relationship. The Bullion Bank are experts at evaluating diamonds.

What kind of diamonds do we buy?
Diamonds are typically classified by the 4Cs. Carat, Clarity, Cut, and Color. We buy any quality diamond, from small melee to large high quality diamonds. Regardless of the diamonds you bring to us, we can evaluate them and explain in detail how we arrive at our offer price. . We specialize in certified diamond engagement rings, but are also interested in buying solitaire rings, diamond tennis bracelets, diamond earrings, diamond pendants, diamond necklaces, etc. The Bullion Bank does not charge for evaluating your diamonds — and we will never pressure you to sell. In fact, we can explain how the diamond market works and give you options on selling your diamond jewelry elsewhere if you decide that is the best choice for your situation.
If you have any type of certified diamond like jeweler’s appraisal or lab cert, particularly a certificate from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), please bring that with you if it’s available. The value on any jeweler’s appraisal is the replacement cost of your diamond jewelry if purchased from a high end retail seller.

How Does it Work?
It is always best to set up an appointment but it is not a requirement. We offer a safe, secure, and luxurious environment to make you feel comfortable while evaluating your diamonds. We evaluate your diamonds in front of you and if you like our offer, we can pay you on the spot. Call us on 7037055151 to schedule your appointment today.